Our Services

Stress/ emotions

Confidence Building

Team dynamics

Dealing with injury

Feeling Stuck

Major transitions

Popular areas of support

At The Performance Psychologist we offer psychological support and mental skills training with sport psychology, for anybody who wants to improve their performance under pressure. Sessions can be carried out online or in person, in English, French or Spanish, in the formats outlined below.

Athlete diving in a pool through the use of sport psychology

One-on-One sessions

The Deep Dive

These sessions allow for a much more personalised approach to performance psychology, focused on you. This could be a deep dive into a specific issue and how to overcome it, or a plan to develop specific psychological skills in order to thrive in a particular environment.
The first session takes the form of a needs assessment, where we identify together the points we want to improve. We then put together a plan, aligned with your goals and values, in order to enhance performance in the area of interest and learn techniques to add to your mental toolkit. These sessions are open to anyone, whether you are a coach, athlete, businessperson, performer, military personnel etc… All subjects discussed remain confidential.

People skydiving and using sport psychology for group cohesion.


The Fly Over

These sessions allow for a group of people to be introduced to – or to fly over – a certain sport psychology topic or technique, in an engaging way. Particularly relevant for teams, workshops are designed to get participants thinking about a new topic and working together to brainstorm, problem-solve or plan around it. It’s an effective way for a team to learn new mental skills, whilst also working on team cohesion. Topics are normally established based on an initial needs analysis or can be chosen by the client. 

Football stadium as an illustration of location of sport psychology practice

Keynote speaking

In the Spotlight

We are also available to speak at your events or conferences, to share our evidence-based knowledge on performance. Please contact us for more information.

A sport psychologist, standing on the side of a baseball field


On the Sidelines

If you know you or your team could be performing better but can’t quite put your finger on the issue, we offer an observation package. First, we will come and observe training, competition, performance and/or work environments.Then we’ll put together a report highlighting the strengths and weaknesses, and put forward some recommendations to improve the situation.

Fees available on enquiry
